Город Джунов

Полная версия: A Question About The Poll
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I have a tiny question about the poll you have on the front page.

The question is: Do you understand english
answers Yes, No, A bit .

And when I chose russian the question was still in english. HOW THE HELL CAN A GUY THAT DO NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH SAY THEY DONT?

The onces that said know must understand english since the understand the question!
he's got a point ...

Sounds dum to me , but that's the life !Silly things are all around us.
I WANT TOOLS I WANT TOOLS ... but seriousle is anything happening around here or can I put myself in a coma for like 20 years and when I wake up the mob editor is in alpha status?
You may try <_<
oh u really got a point, then ill have to put it in russian and english
and yes i know some russian though not much
nice, now people can really vote fair Big Grin